Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What are your dreams?

I found this today, in a file of papers. I wrote this on April 23, 2009 during a time of prayer. It's a more personal entry than usual, but it's been a difficult, personal few weeks. What is amazing to me, is how God was preparing me almost three years ago for the past few weeks and today and tomorrow.  And how this dream has not faded, but only become more vibrant and important. 

I dream of a Church...
A group of people totally obsessed with the love of God.

I dream of a church that creates and leads the community to THE HOPE through stories and love.

I dream of a church that does not exist in a building, but as a community. I dream of a church that is no afraid of the world, but engages the world so that it may taste the GOODNESS OF THE LORD.

I dream of a church that is concerned about starving people; dying people; orphans; girls who have been sold as sex slaves; boys who are addicted to porn; fathers who don't know how they will provide for their families next meal; abusive parents and abused children; people who are locked up in prisons-both the innocent and the guilty; rich executives who have lost sight of their ethics; average Americans who have never known how to manage their money; moms who never feel good enough; young people searching for a way to make a difference and grabbing on to whatever finds them first. I DREAM of a CHURCH that doesn't just express concern with their words and prayers, but gives ACTION TO THOSE CONCERNS. 

I dream of a church that is more concerned about PEOPLE, God's favorite creation, than music, carpet color, buildings, creation vs. evolution, politics, denominations, and theological subscriptions, or even their eternal reward.

I dream of a church that is honest, Honest enough to say it screws-up- both individually and corporately. I dream of a church that believes in the power of redemption through Jesus' blood enough to drag out its dirtiest members and most "sacred" secrets and say, "THIS IS WHO WE ARE (WERE), AND LOOK AT WHAT GOD HAS DONE!" 

I dream of a church whose vision and activities consist of two things only- LOVE GOD! LOVE PEOPLE. If it's not one of those two thins, then it doesn't matter.

And I DREAM of being ONE, SINGLE, small part of that church. 

This dream is my mission.

I know that I can not build this dream, but I believe in a God who can. And over the past few weeks, I've seen a "church- a community of people" who have been this dream to me.  

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