Monday, April 8, 2013

Spring Break Book Business

To some folks spring break means beach trips, house cleaning and relaxing but to us it meant sorting through 47 boxes/bins of books. With the help of the Middleburg Black Creek Lions Club and a couple of dedicated friends we accomplished a daunting task in just 7 short hours (with no lunch break).  

We love volunteers!
Hard Working Helpers

I don't want to mislead you there was quite a bit of planning and preparing for this to get accomplished in one day. First a very sweet gentleman built us custom shelves, at no charge. The shelves house our overflow books. We also had to spend a little bit of money on some bins, just under a hundred dollars. Finally we had to set a date and put out the all call for some able bodies.

I have to say it feels great!  We now have a closet with books that are sorted into organized bins. We were also able to go through and purge some of the less desirable books. Now before we head out for our book bus routes we simply go to each labeled bin and refill any necessary books. A dream come true! Now all that is left is the ice cream truck. Let us know if you have one sitting around your yard.
Thank you Mr. Buddy for our shelves.
We even had a few leftovers book to donate to the rummage sale.

**Next Book Bus run is Saturday April 13th. Let us know if you would like to ride along.**